Thursday, November 17, 2011

Where is the trip going? (Wohin geht die Reise?)

"On May 17th 2011 Jeroen Oskam and Gaby Seemann were invited by the project group 'Netzwerk Toekomst' to take a glimpse into the future. Oskam not just highlighted the importance of being prepared for the future but elaborated why the ETFI rather works with uncertain factors and scenario planning than with common forecasts. Ongoing developments such as a decline in out of home expenditure and increase in investments in energy and living rather than food and tourism shape tomorrow's tourism. A decrease in income and increasing costs for tourism due to higher energy costs will change the tourism pattern. Moreover, in house gaming and online communities such as Facebook and Twitter make the current and future generation of children rather stay inside and not meet or play outside which will drastically change their way of travelling and leisure behaviour in the future."

From the Ems-Dollard Regio Magazine:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

International Tourism Futures Conference

Panel discussion: the Future of Tourism and the Future of Tourism Education

From November 2-5, 2011, the European Tourism Futures Institute organized the 'Tourism Futures' conference at Stenden University, as a meeting for international futurologists, tourism researchers and professionals with the objective to find and discuss answers to the situations tourism will face in the next decades. Conference topics were the hotel of the future, creative cities/city-sumers, slow marketing and the global shift of political power. As keynotes the programme featured Márcio Favilla, as Director of Competitiveness at UNWTO and dr. Katharina Grünberg, from the scenario team at Shell, about their organisations’ tourism future study and scenario studies in general, respectively. Ari Björkqvist presented Haaga-Helia’s project on the future of hotels and conference centers, while Ian Yeoman looked at the hotel of the future from the perspective of the future of sleep.

The international conference was combined with the regionally oriented Fryske Toerisme Kongresdei.

Conference website:
Conference presentations can be downloaded from .

Stenden university claims a leading role in Tourism Research

Article in Science Guide, November 16, 2011:

- Stenden Hogeschool wil een leidende rol in het Europees toerisme onderzoek. Op het Future Tourism Congres (FTG) is besloten een grote samenwerking aan te gaan met verschillende grote Europese universiteiten. Belangrijkste doel is het gelijktrekken van de dataverzameling in Europa.